The Dangers of Exaggerating Your LinkedIn Profile Accomplishments: Lessons from Rachel Reeves In an era where online presence can make or break professional reputations, LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for career networking, job searches, and corporate branding. However, as UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves recently discovered, when something isn’t quite right, any inconsistencies or exaggerations …
Wednesday afternoon, twiddling my thumbs, playing with google advertising, doing some business “housekeeping”. Exciting is not going to find its way anywhere near that sentence. To break up the monotony I decided to head over to Linkedin for some inspiration, after all I had not been on my profile page for quite a while, and I …
Principal level artist Matt McCulloch of Crystal Dynamics has seemingly let slip via Linkedin that Crystal Dynamics (famous for the Tomb Raider Game Franchise) are in the early stages of development of their next project. Other indicators have been referenced such as the advert on their website for a Senior Artist. The interesting feature of …
Jaigris Hodson of Ryerson University Toronto has heralded the death of the Resume/CV once more. Hodson has suggested that we should all embrace a digital platform as the CV will soon be (if it isn’t already) firmly on the extinction watchlist. Jaigris is quite rightly informing her pupils that to succeed in the job market …
From the Linkedin Blog: Linkedin has released an update to it’s iPhone app – which looks to organise your contacts in a “smarter way”: Have you ever wished for a personal assistant who reminds you when your colleagues are celebrating new jobs or birthdays? Or have you wanted to quickly pull up the last conversations …
Your CV is going to come under increasing pressure over the next year as the economy pulls slowly from recession into a growth phase. The CBI predict that up to 35% of private sector employers are expecting to expand their workforce over the coming 12 months. In contrast 15% expect the workforce to be smaller. …
Whilst watching our twitter feed this morning, Bill Boorman gave his impressions of Linkedin and its constant beta state. For the non technical, this translates as ongoing change and improvement measured by the time and interaction with the site. For job seekers and those in a position it gives an insight into how Linkedin and …
Those of you that have read my ramblings about a Linkedin and CV convergence might like to know that there is a new app for Google Chrome called that is worth looking at and works on the ability to provide Linkedin search capability while browsing, rather than searching within Linkedin itself. Once installed it …
The CV, or as we like to call it, the Professional CV, is going through change and convergence. I’m going to try and map out how I think this could manifest through 2013, 2014 and 2015. If I get some time I will add an infographic but in the interim this is what I think …
Will you and your CV meet the criteria for 2012? (or how to avoid another fine mess) Recruiters and employers are all saying the same thing; A CV has to make a positive visual and content statement about the person it represents. In a depressed recruitment market your CV has to be superior to that …