
Tag Archive for: 'Linkedin profile'
The rise of the digital resume

Jaigris Hodson of Ryerson University Toronto has heralded the death of the Resume/CV once more. Hodson has suggested that we should all embrace a digital platform as the CV will soon be (if it isn’t already) firmly on the extinction watchlist. Jaigris is quite rightly informing her pupils that to succeed in the job market …

Founder of #TruEvents. Advisor to recruiting tech cos. SocialRecruiting Implentation. Trainer. Key-NoteSpeaker. Dad.

Whilst watching our twitter feed this morning, Bill Boorman gave his impressions of Linkedin and its constant beta state. For the non technical, this translates as ongoing change and improvement measured by the time and interaction with the site. For job seekers and those in a position it gives an insight into how Linkedin and …

Free CV review for 2012

Will you and your CV meet the criteria for 2012? (or how to avoid another fine mess) Recruiters and employers are all saying the same thing; A CV has to make a positive visual and content statement about the person it represents. In a depressed recruitment market your CV has to be superior to that …