CV Grammar and poor spelling on a CV is often said to have the potential of ruining the chances of the candidate progressing further than the application stage. Another issue is punctuation. Punctuation is a difficult, sometimes subjective subject, and a particular area of difficulty is the dreaded apostrophe. I have taken the following article …
Why you should not lie on your CV. For a start, lying on your CV IS illegal; Lee McQueen, ex Apprentice winner/liar raised his head early to be on the BBC breakfast show. Lee infamously lied on the CV he had provided to the programme makers and was found out. His lie had been to …
Economic climate? Redundancy? Lack of opportunity? Not qualified or qualified enough? Not applying for work that is suitable? Recruiters ignoring you? Applications being ignored or passed over? Picking the wrong job and then being made redundant again when the firm goes bottom up? There are numerous answers to this question but only you know which …
The IT CV, where do I begin and where do I end? And there it is in the proverbial nutshell. IT professionals need to have a CV that can run to the length of a telephone directory. Listen carefully, you are very, very wrong. What you need is a Professional CV that is 2 or …
I thought I would reiterate some comments from an article that we posted on the old blog a few months ago. The article came from the BBC Newsnight Job Market Mentors and the thrust of it was around how Public Sector employees, amongst others, can learn to survive in the real world, sorry, I meant …
It’s simple, to be considered the leading applicant for a new post you will need a great track record of success. True, to a point. Some will tell you that you have to show how you managed an organisation and increased margins while lowering overheads. You will also hear a raft of other obvious statements …
It’s an abomination that Victor Frankenstein would be proud of. If the parts are put together incorrectly, much like Victor’s early efforts, it will die, a quick and horrible death. It is, of course, poor CV grammar and the incorrect use of they’re, their and there. To make this quick and easy to understand I …
Excuse the dreadful pun in the title but do you know what the parse test is? If the answer is yes than I imagine your CV is well formatted and easily read (parsed) into a recruitment database. If, on the other hand the answer is no, then you might want to look carefully at your CV and …
Have you taken control of your Job hunting or left it to chance? I would love to be able to say to you that you can just click a mouse button and send your CV to hundreds of recruiters or employers then just sit back and wait for the offers to role in. Unfortunately this …
1. Tailor: Produce a core cv and then create other versions that are tailored for specific roles that you apply for. 2. Errors: Use the grammar checker in MS Word or Google Docs(free). Spelin and poore gramer will wrek youre chance of sucess! 3. Structure: Format the CV and be consistent with your technique throughout …