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Free CV review for 2012

Will you and your CV meet the criteria for 2012? (or how to avoid another fine mess)

Recruiters and employers are all saying the same thing; A CV has to make a positive visual and content statement about the person it represents. In a depressed recruitment market your CV has to be superior to that of your peers. In 2012 this trend will continue and also expand with social marketing playing an ever increasing role in the recruitment process. Social channels such as twitter, linkedin, facebook and google+ are looked at and scoured for information about you and your past but the CV is still, and will continue to be, the most important document for attracting interest from third parties. However, if you show neglect in any of these areas, you may find that you could be letting opportunities pass you by, ignore you completely, or that neglect could even cost you your current job.

Tips for optimising you in 2012

Take care of your social profile:

Watch for the ubiquitous photo tags and hash tags. Ensure that you are on top of your social image on twitter, facebook and google+. If something in your profile makes you recoil in horror, imagine how it looks to everyone else.

If you are currently employed and on Linkedin, make your profile an extension of your business card and not your CV. See this story and our previous article for more details.

Your CV:

Does it portray you in the most favourable light? People are often surprised to find that their CV is not as great as they think it is. There are many factors for this with the main being that most people have not referenced their CV against another. Thankfully, the internet now provides via image search the ability to see other variations of CVs, the content and layout. The downside is that the vast majority are average to poor and do not provide the content needed, but it is still possible, with a careful eye, to roughly gauge how your CV compares. The easiest way is to opt for a free CV review and let us make it easier for you. Just click here to go back to the homepage and fill in the form in the bottom right of your browser.

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