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Today’s phrase: Work Self Efficacy

I’m not going to go into too much detail on this for the moment but just throw the idea in the air and see how many upward and forward looking individuals catch the theory. Work Self Efficacy, which has its roots in Self Efficacy a construct of Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. I had parked this at the back of my mind without realising and after trying the quiz on the BBC website thought it would be a good time to dust it off. I have listed some links at the bottom this blog piece and would recommend anyone reading this to visit the sites.

Work Self Efficacy definition:

“Assesses workers’ confidence in managing workplace experiences (especially for new or prospective workers). The theoretical underpinning is that individuals with higher work self-efficacy are more likely to look forward to, and to be successful in, workplace performance. Furthermore, work accomplishments are believed, in turn, to increases self-efficacy through a feedback loop tying subsequent performance to augmented self-efficacy beliefs.” Read the full article on Wikipedia here 

In simple terms it is the idea that you believe that you are able to perform at a level and be competent that you can succeed. Different to self belief in the way that sometimes self belief can…run away with itself.

It can help you when you write your cv. Your level of Self Efficacy can help you win at interview. It can help in a new role. It can help with your life and outlook. It is worth your time to investigate further.

Albert Bandura Self Efficacy:
CV Quiz:

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