Must be part of an earlier time warp> here. The Cranfield report has been welcomed by the IOD and referenced by the CBI. Curious to know why the CBI via voice, Katja Hall, Chief Policy Director, thus far have only referenced the report and not backed it. Anyone can pay a little midle ground lip …
I thought yesterday seemed like any other day. Went to work. Came home. Went to bed. Nothing unusual. Or so I thought until I woke to see the news this morning. Youth unemployment at its highest for 17 years and not enough female executives in board rooms. Does it feel like the 80’s all over again? Whats the …
Saw an interesting (honestly!) feature What does your choice of font say about you? reported by David Sillito on the Beeb news this morning about fonts being the new hand writing and what they say about you. First up was a gentleman called Simon Garfield, an author and a journalist and all round nice chap, …
The article is up and ready to read. Due to the global economic climate over the last 4 years, there has been a dramatic change in recruitment; the net result has seen the employment market become a fiercely competitive and often brutal arena. If you do not have creative writing skills,an understanding of how to …
In today’s job market, jobseekers at all levels and especially senior level executives must not underestimate the importance of having a strong, professional Curriculum Vitae. As the Partner of a successful executive level recruitment and professional CV writing firm for 15 years, I have found that this is the key to beating the competition and …
Beyond being just a cold callers dream come true, Linkedin has jostled and elbowed its way to the top of an unsteady pile of business networking sites. Often referred to as Facebook for grownups, what is its actual use? Is Linkedin a Facebook for grownups? From an outside perspective, it can have the appearance of …
Blame the French! Résumé (or resume, without accents) appears to have its origin in France somewhere between 1800 and 1805. It is the term most commonly used in North America for what is known in the UK as a Curriculum Vitae in full(a Latin phrase and first appears to have been used a century later …
Could there be a positive outcome to a headline of BAE cuts 3000 jobs? Yes there could, possibly. If we consider the type of personnel that will be made redundant as assets then they will still have a place in the job market. It will without doubt be a terrible situation to deal with but if those …
I have over 17 years experience of working as a senior level ‘head-hunter’ and running an executive CV writing business, dealing with MBA graduates, and in my opinion, the short answer is ‘yes’. If one read down the lists of business school MBA programmes under various headings, many institutions are promising salary increases around 100 …
The key issue for anyone writing a CV is that the document conveys them in the best possible light. You have to be able to find a balance of what the reader requires from you to fulfil a given role. All too often people either just waffle about what they think is important instead of …